How to Add “Custom Infospot Icon” to Your Virtual Tour

Infospots are interactive elements that provide additional information and enhance the storytelling aspect of your virtual tour. Follow this guide to add your own customized infospot to your tour. Step-by-Step Guide to Adding an Infospot Step 1: Access the Tour Editor Panel Log In to iAriv: Open your web browser and log in to your […]

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How to Add “Custom Linkage Icon” to Your Virtual Tour

Adding custom linkage to your virtual tour allows you to create interactive elements that enhance the user experience. Follow this guide to add your own custom linkage icons to your virtual tour. Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Custom Linkage Step 1: Access the Tour Editor Panel Log In to iAriv: Open your web browser and log […]

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How to Create a Chatbot with Avatar in Your Virtual Tour

The Avatar Chatbot feature in iAriv allows you to enhance your virtual tours with interactive Q&A functionality. By adding a chatbot with an avatar, users can ask questions and receive instant answers about your products or company. This feature is particularly beneficial for real estate owners and confectionery shops, as it provides a personalized and […]

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How To Create Your First 360 Tour On Iariv ?

Step-by-Step Guide for Creating a 360 Tour on Iariv Creating a 360 Tour is a straightforward process that allows you to present an immersive experience to your audience. Follow these steps to create your tour: Step 1: Log in to Your Account Please take ref. from this blog: How to Login into your iariv account? […]

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